Saturday, October 20, 2012

"Stop Talking and Do What You're Told!"

McKendree Family 2012
"Stop talking and do what you're told."  How many times did I hear those words when I was a kid?  Now I'm a Mommy, and I hear myself saying those exact same words to my children!  When I'm talking to my Daddy, I will occasionally mention things that I have said or done exactly like he and my Mom did with me.  I wish you could hear the howl of laughter that comes from him right after I've shared one of those "moments" with him!

The other day, I found myself saying to Martha, "Stop talking and do what you're told!"  I must confess that there was just a slight edge of irritation in my voice.  She went and did what she had been told to do, and I went back to washing my dishes.  I was about half way back to the sink when the Holy Spirit smote my heart, and I heard Him saying those words to me!  I squirmed and started "talking back" to the Holy Spirit - trying hard to "help" Him see my side of the story!  Again I heard, "Stop talking and do what you're told!"  I immediately began thinking of things in my life that I have been "told" to do, and how many times I neglect to do them!  Ooooh!  How patient and loving the Holy Spirit is with us - isn't He?!

Enjoying our new 3-D Books of Peru!
Exploring Peru in 3-D!
Isn't it funny (and convicting) how God uses our children to teach us more about our relationship with our Heavenly Father?  I sometimes think I learn more from my children, than they learn from me!  How precious those "learning moments" are to me!  

So, like my children, I am (again) learning the lesson of "Stop talking and do what you're told!"  And, just like for my children, it is sometimes a hard lesson for me to remember and obey!  But praise the Lord, I have His patience and loving-kindness to help me as I learn these valuable lessons with my children!

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