Friday, August 24, 2012

Say, "Cheese!"

I thought everyone would enjoy seeing some of my favorite pictures!
 This was taken while we were in Iquitos.  Ian was pushing me on the swing.  Don't you know he enjoyed it?!
 After we bought heaters for the kids rooms, Matt cut holes in the boxes for the kids - they were dying to play with the boxes anyway!  At least this way they could see what they were running into - including each other!
 These two pictures were taken while we were in Iquitos.  Ian thought he was a "Big Man" riding on that bicycle!
 Martha had a turn also on the bicycle.  It did Mama's heart good to see the boys helping her!
 Here's my Honey crammed (quite literally!) into a combi (one form of our local transportation)!
 Martha had just finished eating a "Pinguino" (it's like a chocolate hostess cupcake).  She sure enjoyed every bit of it!
 Here's my "Little Lady" having a great time on the swing at Efata Baptist Deaf Church in Iquitos!  I think she's finally starting to get the hang of making the swing go by herself!

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