Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Random Thoughts

Okay….here I am - finally sitting down to update my blog!  Please excuse the randomness of this blog. Please remember that if my thoughts seem scattered, it is probably because….they are!  I just thought I would like to share some things that the Lord has pointed out to me lately from His Word!  I have been reading through Leviticus and Matthew this month - it has been a blessing!  So here are some of my random thoughts…
Did you ever wonder what happened to the 2nd maniac of Gadara?  Matthew 8:28-34 tells us that there were 2 men.  Both were delivered.  We know Jesus told one of the men to go home and tell what great things God had done for him.  But what happened to the other man?  Did he have the same commandment?  Did he obey or did he fail to share his God-given testimony with others?  To me the saddest part of the whole story as recorded by Matthew is verse 34, "And, behold, the whole city came out to meet Jesus:  and when they saw him, they besought him that he would depart out of their coasts."  Isn't that sad?  The whole city wanted Jesus to go away!  But praise the Lord for the one faithful witness - the other maniac that was healed and testified for Jesus!
Did you ever notice that when Peter walked on the water, the storm did not cease until Peter and Jesus were back in the ship?  (Matthew 14:22-34)  Perhaps Jesus was trying to teach Peter (and the other disciples) to walk hand in hand with Jesus through the storm - not just expect a quick end to the storm.  Are you as impatient as I am sometimes?  I want the storm to cease immediately without the bother of walking with my Lord THROUGH the storm - I want to walk AROUND the storm - you know, avoid it altogether!
I'll admit - parts of Leviticus have been rather hard to read through - all the laws for all the sacrifices, all the details of how to deal with different situations that would come into the lives of God's people.  But is a blessed reminder to me of how God is concerned about every detail of our lives - even the details that only we know!  Leviticus 17:11 shows me the picture of Christ on the cross and his concern for the atonement of every soul.  Leviticus 19:9-10 gives me a better understanding of the story of Ruth.  Leviticus 19:14 shows me God's heart - how He loves every person - no matter what their physical condition may be!
Aren't you thankful for all the little nuggets God has tucked away in His precious Word?  How often do we stop and ponder over those nuggets?  How often do we stop and think about those who do not or cannot have God's Word?  How often are we burdened for those who cannot read God's Word, because they don't know how to read?  How blessed we are!
Yes, this is really how my mind works - it's not just "pregnancy brain"!  I hope these funny thoughts of mine will be a blessing to you. 

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