Last night we took turns praying as a family before bedtime. Do you ever stop to think how precious the prayers of children must be to our Saviour? All prayers are precious to Him, but I think the prayers of children must be extra-special. And oh, the faith that children show!
Martha has been praying for Mr. Nishio to be saved. Mr. Nishio lives in Japan. Last night when I reminded Martha to pray for him, she asked incredulously, "He's not saved YET?!?!?" It was so sweet to see the attitude of expectation, the attitude of the whole matter is already settled, the deed is done. Wow! What faith! To be convinced that our prayers are already answered! We should be convinced! But so many times our "grown-up reasoning" overrides "child-like faith"!
Last night, Ian prayed for Daniel (a Deaf man in Kenya, Africa) to be saved. Today when I thanked him from Aunt Jessi for praying for Daniel, Ian immediately prayed for him again. As soon as he had finished praying (he always gets right to the point in his prayers), he informed me, "He's (Daniel) saved now."
How convicting it is at times to see and hear my children pray! How precious it is to see their faith and know how pleasing it is unto the Lord! Oh, that I would always come to my Heavenly Father with such simple, child-like faith!
Such sweet sweet prayers. I know God will answer Ian's prayers!